Yesterday, Tuesday June 8th I had a Little League game at 5:30 against All-Terrain and we were visitors so we batted first The line up was
Andreu, Caleb, Jordan/Me, Mckoy, Charlie, Jack, Cameron, Dakota, Khai, Julien
The first inning Andreu got walked then Caleb struck out after he struck out I hit a pop fly to the pitcher and he got it but Andreu didn’t tag up at first so they got the double play. Bottom 1st I was starting pitcher I forgot a bit of the bottom first inning but I knew that the other team got 5 Runs and I struck 3 batters out then once we got into the second inning someone scored on our team so it was 1-5 after we got all 3 outs it was bottom of the 2nd inning and Caleb was pitching but he struck all 3 batters out then we batted again and we got 3 runs in so the score was 4-5 then the next inning Jack was pitching and then 4 runs came in then Jack Struck someone out then my friend Wyatt was on first after a walk then there was a kid who hit a grounder back to Jack but he bobbled it but he threw it to me then Wyatt starting going to 3rd but my coach said ” Hold it!” but I already threw it to 3rd then Cameron caught it and tagged Wyatt for the double play then we were up to bat but I was on deck so Caleb struck out then I got walked then Mckoy hit a grounder to shortstop but he just threw it to first and got Mckoy out so there was 2 outs then Charlie was up then he got 3-2 full count then he hit a grounder to 3rd then I went and got tagged because the third baseman was in the way so I couldn’t go around him. Then Jack pitched again but they got 2 runs in but Jack struck someone out again then someone was at third and 2nd but they forgot to tag up because andreu got a pop fly to him so he threw hit to shortstop and he got him out at 2nd then that was game 11-4.