after they get into there bed bunks they go to the outside and wave bye to people they know or they don’t know and then jack and his both friends smoke and jack keeps his own eyes on rose and he keeps looking at her and then rose and jack both look at each other and then her fiancé and then at night rose was at the dinning table with her first class family and other first class people and then when shes done eating she goes by the bow and tries to suicide because her fiancé is mean to her then jack comes and sees her and says ” don’t jump ” then jack also said ” you jump I jump” and then after that rose slips and jacks holds her back up to the titanic and the crew came and said “are you ok” and rose said ” yes I am because this guy saved me” and then her fiancé came and said you tried to kill her and then Jack got arrested and then rose said ” no its fine he didn’t kill me he saved me.