On May 3rd in Central Iowa, South Iowa South east of Iowa and Northwest of Illinois and West central Illinois and north east Illinois there is gonna be a storm that is gonna hit those locations there have been many counts of tornadoes in Mississippi. That have hit cities such as tupelo, There will be […]
Category: Tornadoes
These are my posts about tornadoes.
Tornadoes and Thunder storms
Tornadoes happen during a thunder storm a thunder storm has Lightning, Rain, Clouds, Some small Hail, Thunder. Thunderstorms last from 5 minutes till 24 Hours Tornadoes last from 5 minutes till 3.5 Hours or More the Record for the longest lasting tornado is 3.5 Hours the tornado was called the tri state Tornado it went […]
Tornado Alley
Tornado alley is where tornadoes spawn or form the most so if your in tornado alley please watch out for tornadoes and also Large Hail and some tornadoes can do a lot of damage or they can do normal damage Also if you have a tornado shelter or a basement please use that don’t try […]
they are one of the biggest disasters in the world and it hurts people and does a lot of damage to buildings and houses. this is the damage torndadoes do to people and houses
this is 10 big tornadoes.tornadoes have a lot of winds and speed it can hurt people and damage buildings its the 2nd baddest things in the world
I like to play kickball and softball i like to write about weather and other staff