My cat Rolex might die in a 5 days or less and I’m really sad about it because we got told he was gonna die a week before he dies or he doesn’t so all the other cats and my dog are staying upstairs so Rolex gets attention because of his health and we took […]
Baseball is a type of sport that you Hit, throw, catch, running, pitching, moving around. There’s a lot of thing’s that you don’t know or you know. There’s 9 positions that you can play. I play 1st Base, Pitcher, Maybe a Left fielder, or a Shortstop the most positions I play are 1st Base and […]
Spaghetti is my 6th favorite food in the whole world my first favorite food is Chili or soup I love chili cheese fries from Wendy’s I also like Nachos it has Cheese sometimes it has meat like beef, Chips and Spicy sauce I my 3rd favorite food is Pizza my 4th favorite food is fettucine […]
Snow is a type of weather condition that happens often in the late fall and All Winter Snow is white their is a Disney princess named Snow white. Snow happens in the northern parts of states in the USA. Canada gets snow every year so does Alaska.
Softball trip
My sister had a softball trip from October 17 till October 18 my sister won both of her games on Saturday she had 2 games. Her First game she won 7-0 her second game she won 11-0 she got top 3rd in the tournament in Des Moines in a couple days we will know if […]
Des Moines trip
On October 16th Me and my family are gonna drive to Des Moines because my sister has a softball tournament there and my god sister has a tournament there too so we can watch both of their games we are staying at a hotel that’s close to the place were playing at were gonna leave […]
Hi my name is Jordan I am 9 years old and I like Weather i like to play Pokémon go with my brother, sister, mom, friends, uncles, aunts a lot of people in my family play Pokémon go. I also like baseball I am on a baseball team called “Little Hawks 10u” my last baseball […]
Tornadoes and Thunder storms
Tornadoes happen during a thunder storm a thunder storm has Lightning, Rain, Clouds, Some small Hail, Thunder. Thunderstorms last from 5 minutes till 24 Hours Tornadoes last from 5 minutes till 3.5 Hours or More the Record for the longest lasting tornado is 3.5 Hours the tornado was called the tri state Tornado it went […]
Tornado Alley
Tornado alley is where tornadoes spawn or form the most so if your in tornado alley please watch out for tornadoes and also Large Hail and some tornadoes can do a lot of damage or they can do normal damage Also if you have a tornado shelter or a basement please use that don’t try […]
Hurricanes are one of the most deadly disasters in the World Till today scientists are figuring out What the most strongest Hurricane is In the World And please try not to out run a Hurricane if so Evacuate if there is a Category 1 to Category 5 Hurricane heading your way please Stay Safe.